Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time is ticking away...

When you begin to put together a Missions team for short-term missions, there is a sense of just how overwhelming it will be. Logistics is not my strong suit. I can do it, but I'd much rather be the "idea man", the "vision caster", "the show up and go" type of person. Amazing how there are a lot of people that feel the same way.

So, here we are, 4 weeks away from journeying to Kaharlyk once again. The plane tickets were supposed to have been finalized back on November 1. As of today, the "check is in the mail" but we don't have reference numbers for our Group yet. The hotel hasn't been booked in London for our stayover. There is that sense of sadistic glee in thinking about having everyone just sleep at the airport, but at the tail end of this trip not a good idea. Plus, the ladies of the group would promptly mutiny at the suggestion.

I should be frantic at this point. I should be running around screaming in frustration. Okay, I did run around the van this morning for a brief moment, however I find that God has granted me peace and serenity when it comes to our current circumstance. Part of that comes from experience, the other part comes from God's promises about His timing:

1Pe 5:6 NKJV - Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Peter knew that we start getting impatient, especially when we try doing things in our own flesh. Instead we need to humble ourselves, cast our cares upon Him, and then in due time, due season, everything will come together.

So...can't wait for next blog update. Anna "Semenko" Bible is giving us Ukrainian lessons on Sunday. Until then, До побачення!! (dopobachnya-Goodbye)