Monday, January 3, 2011

4 days to go...

Many of my friends asked me about the English classes we are doing in Ukraine. Most of it has to do with "How do you share Christ when the rules say you can't?" This is where being a part of a community gives you more opportunities to share Jesus with those you live with.

Calvary Chapel Kaharlyk has been involved in the village for a while now, and slowly but surely the locals are recognizing that they are:

1. Not a cult.
2. Sincerely love them.3. Do things without expecting anything in return (Agape Love).
4. Have something different than what the bureaucrats and government programs offer.

This provokes conversation. This creates opportunities to share Jesus. The English lessons are another way to provide opportunities. Micah, Danny, and Lyena came up with the name "Voice" to promote the event, and the local school director has INVITED us to come into the school. God is moving...and it's so awesome to see Him work.

So pray! We still need a little more funds for two of our people, but overall things are taken care of!! If you have any winter clothing you'd like to donate, shoot me an email.

In the meantime...we're "packing like a madman...oh we're packing like a madman..." (hat tip to Harlan)