When we started making plans for this trip, we weren't too sure how the program would run and if it would be well attended. After spending the last three days at School #3 here in Kaharlyk, we have been blessed with increased interest here at Calvary Chapel Kaharlyk. The kids have been coming in the evenings after dinner and hanging out with our group. Several of them are coming to our Youth Group event on Saturday where we'll share the Gospel and Worship the Lord together.
We also had the honor of meeting the director of the school. He had allowed us to use their classrooms for FREE and invite the kids after the event. I personally had a great time meeting him.

All of this sets up even more open doors in the schools in the future as well as outside events. Thank you to everyone who has supported this trip! We have two people who will remain anonymous for security reasons, but I would like you to pray specifically for a young man and a young lady. They are very close to receiving Christ!
Praise HIM from whom all blessings flow! I've enclosed a few pictures of the events.