Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Aaron's return trip...

Hi, I'm Aaron, and I have been to the Ukraine before. When I went with my dad, we met many new faces while also trying new things. I have a heart for these people and the Lord has blessed me in allowing me to go again in just one more week! I am super excited and hope that it will be as fun as it was last time.

I thank everyone who donated money that I may go again, and I really appricate the support you gave. I will post a couple more blog entrys while there and will hope for the best while there.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Living the Life!!

Hey ya'll! It has been an interesting time from the point of making the decision to go to the Ukraine and the events leading up to our,very soon, departure. Interestingly enough, I was planning on going on the Honduras trip when Jeanne Claycamp talked to me about the Ukraine. Initially, I was saying in my mind " yea, don't think so." My heart was kinda set on Honduras. I told Jeanne that I would pray about it and let her know a little later what my decision was. As I prayed over the next few days, God spoke to me saying, "There will be time for Honduras and other trips to Spanish speaking countries, let's go to Ukraine and see a different side of missions."
At that point it was a done deal and from that point on my sights have been set on the Ukraine.

Like some that are going on this trip, I am not exactly sure why God is calling me to His mission to the Ukraine, but do know that He wants me to have a surrendered availability to Him and His purposes. I know for sure that it will be a stretching and humbling experience that will lead to a changed perspective of who God is and who we are in Him.

I look forward to hanging out with the team, learning how to serve in a deeper way, watching God's love move in and through us, causing us to fall deeper in Love with Him!!!

May we go and tangibly show the Love of Jesus in speach and in action, serving Him by serving each other and to those whom he presents us the opportunity. Prepair our hearts and those that we will encounter, Oh Lord and may you use us to Glorify you:)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mary's change of focus...

Well, I’m going to be honest. I have no idea why God picked me to go on this mission trip. A year ago if you would have told me that I’ll be spending two weeks in Ukraine, I would have thought you were crazy. Ever since I went to Mexico last October, I’ve felt like God wants me to step further out of my comfort zone, to stop being so focused on me and my life and my plans..
To me, being a short-term missionary means giving of yourself, even for a short time. It’s a way to serve that doesn’t just fit God into your life, like we can do so often. But it’s a way to really live your life for Him and through Him. It’s being vulnerable to what He wants to do with you, and how He wants to use you in other people’s lives.
God has taught me so much, and we haven’t even left yet. He’s taught me patience, and most of all that I need to rely on Him. I know God is going to do amazing things within our team, just lifting each other up and learning from each other. I also know He’s going to do amazing things through our team, because none of us (well, at least I know I couldn’t) could do this alone. I can’t wait to see what He has for each and every one of us. Also, I can’t wait to see what God has for all the people we meet, and all the people here at home that are supporting us. I’ve found that when our hearts are willing to serve and love each other, we learn the most and are the most encouraged :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Taylor chimes in...

Honestly, I am so stoked about this trip. God has blessed me with this mission trip and it will truly be a life changing opportunity. Seriously, this mission trip has meant so much to me and has been in my thoughts since I first heard about it back in January. Time has flown by; and since then I have filled out the application, gotten accepted, had all the money donated to me, have gotten a passport and gotten to know my partner’s in crime who are also looking forward to this amazing privilege.
Throughout all of this I have drawn so much closer to the Lord, for without Him none of this would be possible or even thinkable. In my journey thus far God has already shown me how to trust and be more confident in Him and His provision.
Being a short-term missionary means to me is that I get an amazing chance to just bless these people and not think of myself and my comfort at all. The small amount of time I am in Ukraine I want to get a chance to get to know as many people I can and learn and teach as much as possible. I really just want to show the people I meet to see pure and unbridled love, which only our Lord and Savior can provide. I look forward to what God has for my teammates and I throughout our adventure to Ukraine. I love you all a lot and keep us and everyone we are going to meet along the way in your prayers.

Jeannine - Short term, Long term, impactful term

I feel God has called me to this missions trip to Ukraine to experience Himself in a completely different way; to step up and be a light in not only my familiar surroundings but also in places that need more help than most. The place to devote two weeks of my summer to serving Him and showing others His unchanging love and power. I know this trip is going to be a very impactful aspect of my life. Being able to have this opportunity to step out of my element and see first-hand how God can move is so extraordinary to me. That no matter what has gone on in the processes of preparing, that God still wants to use me.

I have been on missions trips before but both lasted no more than a couple days. I felt that in that amount of time we were just getting started. I am immensely looking forward to this trip, to stay for, in actuality, a rather short time, and be there for others in any way that I can. People are all the same. Everyone wants to be loved, cared for, and needed; everyone needs a purpose. And to maybe be an encouragement, nay, a light in someone else’s life and to have God move through me is so mind-boggling. I have been reminded and redirected (countless times) during all of this that all God wants me to do is trust Him and not freak out over everything. I know myself and the rest of the team is going to come back a changed person, and I whole-heartedly hope that the people in Kagarlyk will have an even better memory and love for God from a few teenagers in the states.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Josie's story...

Hello whoever is reading this, I’m not much of a writer so bare with me. My name is Josie and I am 16 years old ( that will change on the trip!!!!) and I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to go and minister to the people of Ukraine. I guess I’m supposed to tell you why I’m going on this trip, I must warn you I have no crazy story, no voice telling me where I would go, honestly my reasons have changed quite a lot from the beginning. When Jeanie Claycamp told me of this opportunity almost a year ago, I had reservations, at that time I had no idea about going with Chris or the team we have now. I had been to Mexico so it just seemed logical to make the next step up, plus I would be crazy to pass up such an offer. I now regret not taking the time to pray and really ask God what his will was.

Not to worry though, God is understanding and patient and for that I am very thankful. Over time he took what were selfish reasons and changed my heart. God has really given me a heart of compassion for the hurt and broken and taught me that I need to do all I can for them. It’s not good enough for me to sit at home in my comfortable atmosphere and just say “oh that’s horrible, I’ll pray for that” and then never do it. God has totally changed my view on what a disciple is, we are all missionaries maybe not in a different country but we are all called to live for God each day. Not just a person who says they are a Christian, does the minimum and then goes on with life, without even knowing who God truly is. So my goal in Ukraine is to share with them the true love of God, but somehow I have a feeling that there going to be the ones showing me : )
I’m so excited to go and see God’s hand work, I know he’s going to do something amazing! In a way I think Ukraine is going to be the easy part, after it’s over and done I’m still going to have conquer everyday life with the same love and excitement. But I know I have something bigger and stronger than my everyday life…

Monday, June 22, 2009

Deanna's perspective

I am very excited to be part of the mission trip to The Ukraine. Ever since Micah & Christi Claycamp moved, I have had a desire to go and see first hand how they are ministering to the people there. I was blessed to have my son in Micah’s high school youth group at CCNP prior to him leaving and look forward to seeing how God is using his family now.

I love mission’s work and have been to Honduras twice in the past few years to share the gospel to a spiritually dry country. I have also been on multiple trips to Immures, Mexico to help out in and orphanage as well as sharing the gospel. Each time I have come back I have a new appreciation of the power that the Word of God has and how it truly changes lives and restores hope to people that have none. We are all called to be Christ’s ambassadors and to share His good news with others. When we do this in another country, it takes us away from our comfort zone and teaches us to truly depend on Him for everything that we might take for granted at home. Each and every mission trip I have been apart of has drawn me closer to The Lord and created new passions to serve in any opportunity that He gives me. My heart’s desire is to be a full time missionary someday and these trips give me a glimpse of what that would look like.

When I heard about camp 120 I knew it was something I would want to be a part of. I have been a high school youth lead at CCNP for 3 years and love to work with the youth. Every time I have had the privilege of going to summer and winter camps, I have been blessed to see the Love of Jesus poured out during the worship, teachings, and fellowship. There have been so many new salvations and re-dedications that have huge impacts on the youth and the decisions they make in their life. Being able to participate in this with a whole new culture is a blessing and I am honored to be a part of it…

Monday, June 8, 2009

Can you say....BORSCHT??

Yes it's true. Pastor Chris cooked up some Borscht to prepare the team for one meal they will get a lot of at people's houses in Ukraine. I figured that "sashlyk" (that's how the word sounds, still need to get the transliteration), which is grilled, skewered meats would be pretty straightforward for them. I think it was unanimous that they all said they could eat it. Some actually went back for seconds! Jeannine and Josie are definitely Borscht fans. Che on the other hand made a comment about it looking like Ukranian Salsa with cabbage. LOL We'll see how that goes over!

What really came out of that meeting this last Sunday was a sense of excitement for what God will do in Ukraine. We just need to be ready. Harlan suggested that we take a day and fast/pray for the trip. AWESOME! I'm reminded of some of my heroes in the faith, George Mueller, Hudson Taylor, Eric Liddell, and how they would take days, sometimes weeks of fasting and prayer to prepare for their trips or tasks laid before them. How much more in this day of excess here in the Western world should we also seek the LORD on those terms.

Excited. Pumped. Ready for the trip. Let us be clean vessels LORD!