Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mary's change of focus...

Well, I’m going to be honest. I have no idea why God picked me to go on this mission trip. A year ago if you would have told me that I’ll be spending two weeks in Ukraine, I would have thought you were crazy. Ever since I went to Mexico last October, I’ve felt like God wants me to step further out of my comfort zone, to stop being so focused on me and my life and my plans..
To me, being a short-term missionary means giving of yourself, even for a short time. It’s a way to serve that doesn’t just fit God into your life, like we can do so often. But it’s a way to really live your life for Him and through Him. It’s being vulnerable to what He wants to do with you, and how He wants to use you in other people’s lives.
God has taught me so much, and we haven’t even left yet. He’s taught me patience, and most of all that I need to rely on Him. I know God is going to do amazing things within our team, just lifting each other up and learning from each other. I also know He’s going to do amazing things through our team, because none of us (well, at least I know I couldn’t) could do this alone. I can’t wait to see what He has for each and every one of us. Also, I can’t wait to see what God has for all the people we meet, and all the people here at home that are supporting us. I’ve found that when our hearts are willing to serve and love each other, we learn the most and are the most encouraged :)