Monday, June 22, 2009

Deanna's perspective

I am very excited to be part of the mission trip to The Ukraine. Ever since Micah & Christi Claycamp moved, I have had a desire to go and see first hand how they are ministering to the people there. I was blessed to have my son in Micah’s high school youth group at CCNP prior to him leaving and look forward to seeing how God is using his family now.

I love mission’s work and have been to Honduras twice in the past few years to share the gospel to a spiritually dry country. I have also been on multiple trips to Immures, Mexico to help out in and orphanage as well as sharing the gospel. Each time I have come back I have a new appreciation of the power that the Word of God has and how it truly changes lives and restores hope to people that have none. We are all called to be Christ’s ambassadors and to share His good news with others. When we do this in another country, it takes us away from our comfort zone and teaches us to truly depend on Him for everything that we might take for granted at home. Each and every mission trip I have been apart of has drawn me closer to The Lord and created new passions to serve in any opportunity that He gives me. My heart’s desire is to be a full time missionary someday and these trips give me a glimpse of what that would look like.

When I heard about camp 120 I knew it was something I would want to be a part of. I have been a high school youth lead at CCNP for 3 years and love to work with the youth. Every time I have had the privilege of going to summer and winter camps, I have been blessed to see the Love of Jesus poured out during the worship, teachings, and fellowship. There have been so many new salvations and re-dedications that have huge impacts on the youth and the decisions they make in their life. Being able to participate in this with a whole new culture is a blessing and I am honored to be a part of it…