Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Josie's story...

Hello whoever is reading this, I’m not much of a writer so bare with me. My name is Josie and I am 16 years old ( that will change on the trip!!!!) and I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to go and minister to the people of Ukraine. I guess I’m supposed to tell you why I’m going on this trip, I must warn you I have no crazy story, no voice telling me where I would go, honestly my reasons have changed quite a lot from the beginning. When Jeanie Claycamp told me of this opportunity almost a year ago, I had reservations, at that time I had no idea about going with Chris or the team we have now. I had been to Mexico so it just seemed logical to make the next step up, plus I would be crazy to pass up such an offer. I now regret not taking the time to pray and really ask God what his will was.

Not to worry though, God is understanding and patient and for that I am very thankful. Over time he took what were selfish reasons and changed my heart. God has really given me a heart of compassion for the hurt and broken and taught me that I need to do all I can for them. It’s not good enough for me to sit at home in my comfortable atmosphere and just say “oh that’s horrible, I’ll pray for that” and then never do it. God has totally changed my view on what a disciple is, we are all missionaries maybe not in a different country but we are all called to live for God each day. Not just a person who says they are a Christian, does the minimum and then goes on with life, without even knowing who God truly is. So my goal in Ukraine is to share with them the true love of God, but somehow I have a feeling that there going to be the ones showing me : )
I’m so excited to go and see God’s hand work, I know he’s going to do something amazing! In a way I think Ukraine is going to be the easy part, after it’s over and done I’m still going to have conquer everyday life with the same love and excitement. But I know I have something bigger and stronger than my everyday life…