Monday, June 8, 2009

Can you say....BORSCHT??

Yes it's true. Pastor Chris cooked up some Borscht to prepare the team for one meal they will get a lot of at people's houses in Ukraine. I figured that "sashlyk" (that's how the word sounds, still need to get the transliteration), which is grilled, skewered meats would be pretty straightforward for them. I think it was unanimous that they all said they could eat it. Some actually went back for seconds! Jeannine and Josie are definitely Borscht fans. Che on the other hand made a comment about it looking like Ukranian Salsa with cabbage. LOL We'll see how that goes over!

What really came out of that meeting this last Sunday was a sense of excitement for what God will do in Ukraine. We just need to be ready. Harlan suggested that we take a day and fast/pray for the trip. AWESOME! I'm reminded of some of my heroes in the faith, George Mueller, Hudson Taylor, Eric Liddell, and how they would take days, sometimes weeks of fasting and prayer to prepare for their trips or tasks laid before them. How much more in this day of excess here in the Western world should we also seek the LORD on those terms.

Excited. Pumped. Ready for the trip. Let us be clean vessels LORD!