Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beginning of a mindset

So here I am,
Half-way around the world, it's past eleven thirty on Sunday morning and in Phoenix, the day is just starting.
I have had some of the best experiences of my life so far here in
Kagarlyk, Ukraine. This week has been filled with music, laughs (a little too many), great conversation, worship that has been out of this world, interesting foods (i've got some stories for you when i get back), and a making of a completely different mindset. Last night was probably one of my favorites, we went swimming with the youth group in a lake near the church, and there was just something about it that made it all come together. Jumping off a pretty shaky looking bridge into mucky water, and later introducing s'mores to the teens, and the lesson that Micah taught, really brought everything back into perspective.
It's so different here that it's mind-boggling to think that i am here and doing what God has called me to do. In actuality, we haven't abnormal amounts of work, or been tossed into the city to fend for ourselves. We've been painting, clearing trash and rocks, running around with the Claycamp kids, and having some pretty beastly apple fights with the pastor's sons.
But what is amazing, is how beautiful it is here. The people, the mannerisms, and the weather for that matter. I've seen more rain this week than i've seen in Phoenix this year so far. 

All in all, it's just crazy to still accept, how far not only i have come, but everyone on this team.
From crazy airport situations, tremendous language barriers, and a certain situation with a tato and his lost lady, we've made it this far.
Tomorrow we leave for the camp, the main part of the dish hasn't even arrived yet.
I pray that it help not only myself to grow and be encouraged, but most importantly, the kids that we will be coming alongside of.

So in a summary,
here is the not to say that i'm still alive, i made it here safe, God is working
and i love and miss you all.
