Thursday, July 9, 2009

Working and Singing...oh and don't forget the ice cream!

Day 3 in the field was definitely diverse. We split our group up into three teams. Most of the guys went with Sasha Romanenko and Micah Claycamp to chop up some wood that was left for a Babushka. Harlan, Taylor, and Jeannine went with Pastor Danny Foote to take care of a huge trash pile. Then the others went to do some wallpaper at a lady's house. Some sweat and labor put out today!

This afternoon we mellowed out a bit after lunch, bought some snacks and actually a few of us got naps in. Then it was off to Micah and Christy's for dinner followed by Music outreach in the town center.

On the way there we stopped by the big park in the middle of Kaharlyk. We then lost Harlan and Aaron! Well, not really. They went to look at the War memorial and then came back a different way. I had a blast trying my VERY sparse Ukrainian to ask a group of young soccer players if they had seen Americans. They all nodded, but I think they thought I was asking if they had EVER seen Americans. LOL.

Music ministry was great. Micah, Michael, and Josie led us in worship songs. It was such a blast. Several people stopped and watched, but no conversations really sprung up. Well, maybe next time! Off to slumberland with a very tired, but happy team. Serving is always a blessing, and we are having a blast doing it. One last favor I ask, and it's a personal one. Please pray for my sister Bonnie Chamberlain. She went in for a routine surgery and when she came out she suffered major involuntary muscle and torso spasms. Painful and she can't control herself. She is going to the Barrow's Neurological Institue in Phoenix. Being here in Ukraine at this time is hard. Pray for my brother in-law Steve and my niece and nephew as well.