Saturday, July 11, 2009

Comfort Zone??? It's overrated!

Dobre dain (good day) everyone. It's already Sunday morning here in the Ukraine, WOW how time flies when you're having fun! Yesterday we started off at the market which is like the swapmeet back at home. There were so many things to look at including live baby chicks and ducks that you can purchase (hmmm...I wonder if they are for pets or food??). After we bargained for some really cool souvenirs and clothing, it was church clean up day. Half of the team pulled the weeds and cleaned up the yard (being a fair skinned li'l Irish in-door girl didn't stop me from joining in on the the fun...) while the other half painted the back entrance. It was a hot day but with all the team work we were able to get it done in less than 3 hours. What a difference it made!

Last night was youth group so Christy and I prepared a spaghetti dinner to share with the church peeps before we headed off to the lake down the street for what we thought would be worship and bible study around the camp fire. Well, the locals decided that it was time for some water fun and started jumping in off the bridge (who needs bathing suits...) and our kids quickly followed their lead. Back flips, dives, and belly flops led to a great time of fellowship. This was certainly a new adventure for me also because instead of just taking pics and watching everyone, I was persuaded to jump in even though I was wearing jeans. While soaking wet and somewhat cold we all worshiped by the campfire, made s'mores, and listened to Micah teach on what it means to be a new creation in Christ. It was a great reminder of how much we have been forgiven by the blood of our Precious Lord and Savior. God has great plans for all of His children and we need to be careful to not let sin divert us from His leading.
This mission trip has been a great time for me of reflecting on what God has is doing in my own life. I know that He has called me to full time missions and I am excited to see what doors He will open for me to serve in that capacity. In addition to Christy and Micah, there are other missionaries serving here from New Zealand, Australia, and other parts of the US. I have been so blessed to spend time getting to know their testimonies and witnessing how God has changed their lives. These missionaries have left the comforts of there homes and devoted their lives to building a church in a foreign land and the church is growing...How awesome is that???

It has been a great privilege for me to come along side of Christy to help her with her everyday duties of managing a household while Micah helps build a church. Doing basic things like helping prepare meals, watching her children to give here some free time, going for an early morning run in the park, and just taking some time for "girl talk" has allowed me to get to know her better which has blessed me. There are many facets of missionary life and being able to hear how God called them here and see what He is doing through their obedience to come has truly touched my heart. I am thankful for this opportunity and look forward to camp 120 tomorrow on the island as we "rough it" while God continues to take me even further out of my comfort zone.... - Deanna Warren