Friday, July 10, 2009


Hey everyone:) Well it has already been 5 days since we left and time seems to be flying by. Everyone is in good spirits and enjoying this adventure. We went on a day trip the Kiev yesterday to check it out. Quite amazing!! The buildings and different statues and such were beautiful to gaze upon. Me and Michael were, at one point, talking about how interesting it is that the Ukrainian people look as though they could speak english like us americans. Basically saying that you could not tell them apart, for the most part, from us until you heard them speak. So alike in many ways, yet so different too! I think a lot of times we have a tendency to judge a book by its cover before taking the time to open it to see what it says.

For me this trip so far has been interesting. I said before in my first posting that I was not sure why God wanted me to come here instead of Honduras. As of yesterday it has become very clear to me. I have felt called to full time missions to Mexico for some time now and being here is allowing me to be able to discuss different aspects of a life as a missionary with the Micah and Cristy. I find myself "picking their brain" so to speak. God has been allowing me to see and experience different things that I will encounter as a foreign missionary. For me it's not so much the work of the missionary, rather the different aspects of the battlefield the missionary faces on a day to day basis. A lot of these things are common to what we as christians face in the USA. The difference being that on the mission field out side of your home country, these common everday battles and struggles( personal or not) some how become intensified.

God has given me a lot to think about as He prepares me to GO.

Please continue to pray for unity amongst the team as well as safety and that we all are open and willing to going deeper with our MIGHTY GOD AND SAVIOR, LORD JESUS:)