Saturday, July 4, 2009

What's this "Camp 120" all about anyway?

Lots of you probably are wondering what we'll be doing for part of our Missions trip? Serving at a Youth Camp on an Island in the middle of the Dneiper River. Think "Survivor Ukraine" except you can't be voted off. In fact, you can't leave!! Boats drop us off and then come back at the end of camp. I guess if you're a great swimmer, you could make it to shore. Ha! But something about "shreeking eels" enters my mind at this time. ;-)

At the Camp we will be having devotional studies, times of worship, and just letting the Youth have a good time! It's just like camps at home, except for you're on an the middle of the river...well, you get the point.

All the food is brought in, our drinking water, and we even build our own toilets. It's the real deal. I think this is also why my wife wants to visit Ukraine in the winter rather than this time. ;-)

We could definitely use your prayers. Pray for safety, good weather (camping is not as fun when it's raining all the time), and for the lives of our team, as well as the youth at this camp, to be changed. Pray also for Jono Miller, our camp director. He's a Kiwi from New Zealand, so this oughta be a great "walkabout".