Saturday, July 11, 2009

Culture shock or Culture sameness

The group took a day to go to Kiev and look around the capital city of Ukraine. I think it is a very beautiful city as they try and keep forest/parks throughout the entire city so that you feel a part of the country, yet it is the largest city in Ukraine with several million people.

Pastor Danny had given us the cultural breakdown for our group when we first arrived so that we would be more like guests instead of rude Americans who crashed the party. So very important here as we stay a mere two weeks, yet the Missionaries must deal with any aftermath of our visit. Noise level is one thing that really sets American's apart. So, with American Teens as the majority in our group, that's something that is always a challenge. Everyone had done a great job in trying to contain themselves a bit. However, in Kiev I noticed that Ukrainian kids and teens are also loud. They talk on the cell phones just like our kids. They laugh at each others jokes, they mess around with each other, and definitely are into the latest fashions both European and American.

Whereas the older folks are a bit more contained and controlled, there were also some things that are the same in any part of the human. We see them enjoy a cup of coffee or tea as they discuss politics or current events. They meet at the "Love Bridge", hang locks on it and kiss each other promising eternal love. War memorials show patriotic pride in their country yet also speak of the wars that have been fought over petty differences.

What this tells me is that the need for Jesus is universal. Perhaps the methods of sharing the Good News are a bit different all over the world, but the message never changes. The core of what we teach never changes. The reason we share never changes. Pray for Ukraine!